Link list of three nodes with insert display and delete

struct node{
    int label;
    char oper;
    int address;
     struct node *next;
//shorting the name
typedef struct node node;

node *head;

//Display function
void display(){
        printf("There is no node \n");
    //Create temporary node t
    node *t=head;

//Insert function
void insert(){
    int a,c;
    char b;
    //create new node
    node *nnode=(node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
    printf("Enter Label,Operator,Address\n\n");
        //insert at the end
        node *t=head;
            //traverse until t->next=NULL
        t->next=nnode;//New node will be inserted at the end

void remove(int l){
    node *t=head;//store head so it do not change
    node *p;
    p=t;//Take head address to temp pointer to remove it
        printf("There is nothing to delete\n\n");
    if (t!=NULL && t->label==l){
        //This is single or first node to delete t->NULL
    while(t->next!=NULL && t->label!=l){
        printf("Item is not available\n\n");
/*    if(t->label==l)

int main(){
    int l,ch;
        printf("*Enter Your choice*\n1.Insert Node\t2.Display List\t3.Delete Node\t4.Exit\n");
            case 1:
                case 2:
                    case 3:
                        printf("Enter label to remove:-\t");
                        case 4:
                printf("Wrong choice try again\n");